holy shit nice
Dam your good, how can you make something like this and say your still gettin the hang of flash. Nice job.
holy shit nice
Dam your good, how can you make something like this and say your still gettin the hang of flash. Nice job.
why did you do that
i'm still giveing you a good voteing, but why did you cut it off like that. This episode barely adds anything to the story. He gets a note, meets some mushrooms which he doesn't talk to, and then we see a hand the end. You need to contribute more to the story then that.
you tried and thats all that matters.
it could of been funny but i couldn't tell. Work on the voices, and your drawing. The jokes lost there affect of ness because of the characters, fix that and you would could a much better score.
Thats one of the strangest ideas for a flash i have ever seen.
well, it was artistic
Pretty pictures and nothing more. Unless there was a huge amount of hidden symbolism, it was kind of simple. The saveing factor was the pictures, that is why i gave a 7. Make more, but make it more deep. Does that make sence?
Just out of curiosity who is goin to be the hero in this story.
I would just like to say fight the power and stick it to the man. Ha, i said stick
peace be with you
school is for squares
Joined on 9/16/04